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Unlock the power of manufacturing data

Enhance your sales and marketing strategies by tapping into robust data regarding manufacturers and their customer base.


Company Records


Manufacturing Companies


Professional Emails


Products & Services

Why use Explorium’s data?

Engage opportunities, old and new, as they develop in real-time

Monitor up-to-date developments in your target companies.

Leverage data on leadership change, contract and funding news, and product ramp up, to optimize sales.

Ready to win in your market?

Enterprise-grade security & privacy


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Frequently Asked Questions
How is data quality ensured?

Explorium leverages a number of methodologies to enhance and ensure data quality both when onboarding a new source and as an ongoing process that is constantly evolving with specialized methodologies per asset.

  • Rigorous benchmarking against reliable public company data.
  • Cross-verification with reputable data providers for accuracy.
  • Dual quality assurance: manual validation and AI-driven processes.
  • Integration of survey data for enhanced accuracy.
Which data sources does Explorium use?

Explorium sources data from a variety of source types. We shine at connecting numerous source types to create one streamlined high quality asset:

  • Proprietary data created using AI
  • Open source and government data
  • Partner and third party data
  • Derivative data
How are manufacturing specific data assets created?

Manufacturing data assets like products and services, equipment, target industries, and more is created using a proprietary combination of:

  • Manufacturing specific taxonomies
  • UCC filing data: collateral indicating equipment owned by company
  • Proprietary GenAI capabilities

GenAI evolution over the past year has made the process of extracting this essential information possible and worthwhile.

How often is data refreshed?

The update cadence for our data sources differs between the various use cases for our assets. In some cases our refresh is live on demand, and for some sources our update is quarterly, with everything in between (weekly, monthly, etc.).

The reason for the difference is that our analysis shows that in cases like Firmographic data it is common for changes to occur and be accessible through our sources on a quarterly basis.

For sources like company news, refreshes are critical to ensure accuracy, which is why they occur weekly.

What is the unique value of Explorium’s manufacturing data?
  • Utilization of niche sources in addition to firmographics and contact data: Explorium incorporates specialized data sources tailored to the industrial and manufacturing sectors, such as government contract data, company news, UCC filings, and manufacturing-specific taxonomies, among others, complementing the industry-standard firmographic and contact information.
  • SMB expertise: Explorium excels in gathering high-quality data on small and medium-sized manufacturing businesses. This expertise enables the identification of valuable net-new leads that would be challenging to discover manually on a large scale.
  • Flexibility in defining Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and segmenting businesses: Explorium provides extensive flexibility in classifying and categorizing businesses according to endless specifications.
  • Integration of multiple sources into high-quality data points: Explorium aggregates data from various partners, consolidating the highest-quality information from each partner into a single business profile. A rigorous entity resolution algorithm ensures accurate consolidation of data from multiple sources into a single correct business entity.
  • Data quality methodologies: Explorium employs various methodologies to enhance and ensure data quality during the onboarding process and as an ongoing effort. These include rigorous benchmarking against reliable public company data, cross-verification with reputable data providers, dual quality assurance through manual validation and AI-driven processes, and integration of survey data for enhanced accuracy. Specifics for contact data validation include phone numbers validated by benchmarking against dialed numbers and emails validated through an email validation service.
Does Explorium comply with data security policies?

We comply with SOC 2 Type 2 strict demands, as well as ISO 27001 security, ISO27701 privacy and ISO9001 quality certifications. Read more here https://explorium.ai/data-security/

Don’t just take our word for it. Ask our customers!

“Explorium was able to provide us with many different types of unique, reliable data points that allowed us to analyze the market, identify potential customers, and know where we stand.”
Dov Avraham
VP Commerce, ISCAR
“Explorium has a large amount of data, and with that large amount of data we can start looking at what’s useful, bringing in the data that is most effective and most applicable to the problems we’re trying to solve.”
Michael Cleavinger
Commercial Data Science Lead, PepsiCo
“The accuracy and immediate availability of information about relevant leads is changing the dynamics of our sales process.”
Ron Ben-Haim
Sr. Product Manager, EquityBee