Explorium's Data Insights Blog

Where data, marketing, and sales professionals come together

B2B Marketing for Manufacturers
B2B Marketing for Manufacturers
Understanding B2B Manufacturing Market The B2B manufacturing market is a complex and multifaceted landscape, distinguished by its unique players, trends, and challenges. Key players and stakeholders in the B2B manufacturing...

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Business Data

Funding Information

What is funding information?    Funding information is part of company data, indicating funding rounds, amounts raised in each round, the specific investment stages, investors, and other financial data points…

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Machine Learning

How To Include Data Science Platforms in Your 2021 Budget

A good data science platform alleviates a ton of your data-related headaches. It connects to multiple data sources, including external data sources, and offers ETL tools. Augmented data discovery tools…

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Machine Learning

ML Initiatives Aren’t Doomed To Fail — If You Build Them Right

Not to sound alarmist or anything, but machine learning (ML) initiatives can be risky. It’s true, they sound amazing, and you hear success stories left and right about the transformative…

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Data for GTM

Is Your Marketing Machine Ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday? ML Can Help

Black Friday is just around the corner, and while for many retailers it’s the most wonderful time of the year, for others it’s the most anxious. Websites and physical stores…

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Explorium Guides

How Explorium Upgrades Your Data Pipeline

Let’s say you own a factory that makes computers. You need to have a steady pipeline of parts and raw materials. You can approach this necessity in two ways. The…

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Business Data

Bankruptcy Data

What is bankruptcy data?    Bankruptcy data presents complete details about the legal status of a company as a result of its declared bankruptcy. Companies declare bankruptcy and are either liquidated…

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Machine Learning

Without Data, There’s No ML — Why You Should Focus on Data First

Like Italian cooking, data science is all about quality ingredients. It’s not enough to simply have a lot of data; you need to make sure the data you have is…

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Machine Learning

Data Science v Data Analytics — What’s the Difference, and Do You Need Both?

A few years ago, a friend of mine was traveling solo through Kazakhstan when he got chatting to a friendly local who described himself as an emcee. Now, my friend…

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Data for GTM

Direct Mail Isn’t Dead – Here’s How Explorium Can Help You Make it Work

With the increasingly digital lean in marketing, it’s easy to assume that the “old ways” like direct mail are going the way of the dodo. While it might be tempting…

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