Explorium's Data Insights Blog

Where data, marketing, and sales professionals come together

B2B Marketing for Manufacturers
B2B Marketing for Manufacturers
Understanding B2B Manufacturing Market The B2B manufacturing market is a complex and multifaceted landscape, distinguished by its unique players, trends, and challenges. Key players and stakeholders in the B2B manufacturing...

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Machine Learning

Top Tips for Data Preparation for Machine Learning Using Python

Your machine learning model is only as good as the data you feed into it. That makes data preparation for machine learning (or cleaning, wrangling, cleansing, pre-processing, or any other…

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Machine Learning

Could Machine Learning Help Tom Haverford Save Entertainment 720?

In the world of TV’s Parks and Recreation, few people are as concerned about their image and how they market themselves as Tom Haverford. The erstwhile entrepreneur loves to think…

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External Data

Turning Data from a Cost Center into an Asset

Many organizations see data acquisition and management as a business expense. You may hear questions like, what does it cost to collect and capture this data? What resources do we…

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Machine Learning

Could ML-Powered Risk Models Really Spot OZARK’s Schemes?

It takes Marty Byrde less than three episodes of television to go from white-collar embezzler at a major bank to blue-collar money launderer for the Mexican drug cartels. And boy,…

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Machine Learning

Domain Knowledge in Data Science: Are Your Models Ready for Business?

Data science for business is a very different beast than building models in an academic or purely scientific context. You aren’t looking for patterns simply because they’re food for thought,…

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News & Updates

How Will Data Privacy Look in The Future?

Never in history have so many government bodies around the world had so much scope, opportunity, and — most importantly — public support to harvest intricate, personal data on their…

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Machine Learning

How To Communicate Your Marketing Questions for Data Scientists

When you make accurate predictions, you make smarter business decisions. This is the core value data science offers to marketers. It’s easy to get caught up in the buzzwords, but…

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Machine Learning

Reframing the Connection Between Data Science and Automation

AI has become a buzzword, even as machine learning (ML) and data science push toward automation. We’ve all seen a million articles about how AI will revolutionize this or that,…

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What Happens When The Definition of Risk Changes?

Risk and probability are based on data. You establish the statistical risk of losing an investment based on other investments that didn’t work out. You assess whether someone is likely…

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