Cigar Rollers
CF Dominicana offers cigar rollers, custom cigar bands, and cigar staff for events through their unique service called Cigar Catering®. They provide Master Cigar Rollers in major cities across the US, using premium tobacco imported from the Dominican Republic. Their services include creating custom-designed cigar bands and offering personalized cigar orders with unique features like initials on the bands. CF Dominicana encourages customer interaction through their national presence and 18 years of experience, setting a new standard in the customer/merchant relationship.
Cigar Rollers
CF Dominicana offers cigar rollers, custom cigar bands, and cigar staff for events through their unique service called Cigar Catering®. They provide Master Cigar Rollers in major cities across the US, using premium tobacco imported from the Dominican Republic. Their services include creating custom-designed cigar bands and offering personalized cigar orders with unique features like initials on the bands. CF Dominicana encourages customer interaction through their national presence and 18 years of experience, setting a new standard in the customer/merchant relationship.
100 S MAIN ST Los Angeles, California 90012, us
Year founded
Number of locations
Products & Services
Outlines the company's specialized services and operational strengths.
- CF Dominicana Cigars
- Cigar Bar & Servers
- Cigar Roller
- Contact us in order to access
Provides a detailed list of machinery and tools utilized on the company's premises.
- Professional Cigar Rolling Tools and Equipment Kit#1 PRO
- King Rollers Cigar Rolling Machine, Walnut
- Contact us in order to access
Ramping up production
Indicates the company's current production trend and growth trajectory.
Our production algorithm is showing that cigar rollers is not ramping up production.
Target industries
Locations (2)
Cigar Rollers
100 S MAIN ST Los Angeles, California 90012, us
Cigar Roller Chicago, Cigar Catering From CF Dominicana Cigars
3934 W 24th St, Chicago, IL 60623
Frequently Asked Questions
What services & capabilities does Cigar Rollers offer?
Cigar Rollers offers a range of services and capabilities, including CF Dominicana Cigars.
What kind of equipment does Cigar Rollers use?
Cigar Rollers uses a variety of equipment, including Professional Cigar Rolling Tools and Equipment Kit#1 PRO.
What are the target industries of Cigar Rollers?
Cigar Rollers serves several industries, including the events industry.
How many locations does Cigar Rollers operate?
Cigar Rollers operates from 2 locations.
Where are the headquarters of Cigar Rollers?
The headquarters of Cigar Rollers are located in 100 south main street, los angeles, california 90012, united states.
What is the NAICS code for Cigar Rollers?
The NAICS code for Cigar Rollers is 3122.
How many employees does Cigar Rollers have?
Cigar Rollers has 14 employees.
What is the official website of Cigar Rollers?
The official website of Cigar Rollers is