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    This is the third installment in a series of blog posts describing how Explorium can help businesses identify their ideal clients. In this post, we will look at scoring and exporting data so it can be used efficiently by a sales team. 

    In our previous posts (see here and here), we have seen how Mario and Luigi, the owners of SM software, identified plumbing companies that they believe will have interest in their new program. Starting with a blank palette, they found over 2,400 companies in their target audience with revenues of between 1M and 5M. 

    Taking further advantage of Explorium’s functionality, the team enriched their data by developing a recipe that reflects their ideal client. They then searched for companies with good customer reviews and a website that receives substantial monthly traffic. Explorium delivered a list of over 2,000 companies that SM Software considers prime prospects for their plumbing software solution. 

    Next, Mario studies the data and tries to determine what differentiates their most likely customers from the rest of the list. He identifies the optimal prospect as being a company with a website that has mobile traffic of less than 100 per month. Companies not meeting these criteria are too large or too small for their product.

    Explorium allows the data enrichment recipe to be modified with an SQL step. Mario decides to create three tiers of customers.

    • Tier 1 – companies have a website with mobile web traffic of less than 100 per month.
    • Tier 2 – companies have a website with mobile web traffic of at least 100 per month.
    • Tier 3 – companies do not have a website.

    He selects SQL to add an SQL step to the enrichment recipe. 

    Mario adds the following SQL logic to the recipe:

    select *, 
        when "Website" is null then 3
            when "Sum of visits to the domain by mobile users over the past month" < 100 then 1
            else 2
    as "Tier"
    from input


    After saving the SQL transformation, the team has a new “Tier” column added to their data.


    The team can now concentrate on the Tier 1 companies that represent the companies most likely to be interested in SM Software’s plumbing solution. 

    The final step is to exclude records already found through a manual search conducted by Luigi from Explorium’s results. The team uploads a CSV file called luigi_accounts in the Enrich panel and adds some more SQL that eliminates duplicates from the results.

    SELECT input.* FROM input
    LEFT JOIN luigi_accounts
    ON = concat('+',
    WHERE luigi_accounts."Company name" IS NULL


    This modification reduces the number of prospective customers to 1,793. It has trimmed more than 10% of the companies and will save the team time as it goes in search of sales.

    Now that Mario and Luigi are happy with their list of potential clients, all they need to do is export it so it can be used by SM Software’s sales team. The Export button in the upper right corner of the display provides multiple options for downloading and exporting the data.

    Teams can obtain a smaller sample of the data to verify it’s what they want. When they are sure they’re ready, the data can be downloaded and exported to a CSV file  or to any of the connections configured in Explorium.


    After downloading the data, the file is available on the Manage file downloads page so it can be easily accessed again in the future.

    The sales team now has a workable document that enables them to start addressing potential clients methodically and efficiently. Explorium has enabled the company to pinpoint prime candidates for their software solution so the sales team does not waste time or resources. A few minutes and a little tweaking data using SQL logic has given SM Software invaluable information regarding their target audience that can be used immediately to grow their business.