January 2024
At Explorium, it is our policy to respect the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your work (or the work of a third party on whose behalf you are entitled to act) has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, you may file a copyright infringement notice with us.
Please note that only the owner of the copyrighted work is entitled to file a copyright complaint notice. If you are unsure whether there has been an infringement of your copyright in the work, we suggest that you seek legal advice before reporting the material to Explorium or sending us a counter-notice. This “notice and takedown” process is regulated by statute. There may be negative consequences if you falsely allege copyright infringement or report material to Explorium in bad faith, including liability for damages.
If you choose to file a copyright infringement notice, the notice should be in writing and include the following:
- A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed, which should include the type of work and any relevant further details (such as the title and date of publication, as applicable);
- Identification of the material that infringes the above copyrighted work. Please provide us with an exact URL of this material.
- A statement that you believe in good faith that the use of the material in our site is not authorized by the owner of the copyright, including a description of the way in which the copyright material has been infringed.
- The country or countries to which your copyright applies.
- A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that all the information in your notice is accurate and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the infringed copyright owner.
- A way to get back to you- email address and telephone number.
- Your physical or electronic signature.
The infringement notice sent to us will be forwarded to the person or entity who provided the allegedly infringing material.
The infringement notice, with all items completed, may be delivered to Explorium’s by email at [email protected], or by mail at the following address:
Copyright Officer
Explorium Ltd.
3 Daniel Frisch St. .
Tel Aviv
Counter Notice:
If materials that you supplied were taken down and you believe they were not infringing on any copyright, a counter notice may be filed. When we receive this we may reinstate the material in question.
To file a counter notice please supply us with the following:
- Identification of the material that was removed, and the location of this material prior to removal.
- A statement that you believe in good faith that this material was taken down as a result of a mistake or misidentification.
- The user’s name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the user consents to the jurisdiction the judicial district in which he resides, and that the user will accept service of process from the party that provided the original copyright infringement notice.
- A physical or electronic signature of the user.
- Identify in the subject line of your email that this is a counter notice.
Once we receive a counter notification we will forward it to those who originally claimed infringement. Your personal information will be included with this.
Submitting a counter notification gives consent to forwarding your information to this party.
After we send out the counter notification, if the original claimant takes legal action to restrain you from engaging in infringing activity on Explorium.ai, then we will not be able to restore the material in question.
If they don’t choose to take legal action, then we will reinstate the material.