Company Growth Indicators

Key internal and external performance indicators of organizations that signify financial success

Company ratings by employees

Features based on online company ratings published by the company’s current employees, former employees, and interviewees, including their interview experience and general rating of the company. The features contain ratings ranging from the company management to everyday experiences at the company. The provider is a worldwide leader for insights about jobs and companies. 2.5 million records are available for companies worldwide and 1.5 million records are available for companies in the US alone.
Features based on online company ratings published by the company’s current employees, former employees, and interviewees, including their interview experience and general rating of the company. The features contain ratings ranging from the company management to everyday experiences at the company. The provider is a worldwide leader for insights about jobs and companies. 2.5 million records are available for companies worldwide and 1.5 million records are available for companies in the US alone.
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Lead scoring
Lead Scoring & Qualification

Company trends by workforce demographics

Company trends based on employee statistics and aggregations by quarter. Data is sourced from professional profiles of employees and displays rate of change trends, providing benchmarks used for company evaluations. Historical data available from 2015 onwards. Timeframe: If Q3 2019 is selected, the 12 month period spans Q4 2018-Q3 2019. And the previous year covers Q4 2017 - Q3 2018. Default quarter is the most recently completed, with a two-week lag.
Company trends based on employee statistics and aggregations by quarter. Data is sourced from professional profiles of employees and displays rate of change trends, providing benchmarks used for company evaluations. Historical data available from 2015 onwards. Timeframe: If Q3 2019 is selected, the 12 month period spans Q4 2018-Q3 2019. And the previous year covers Q4 2017 - Q3 2018. Default quarter is the most recently completed, with a two-week lag.
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Know your customer

Financial metrics for public companies

When provided with a specific date and a ticker, this bundle provides financial metrics and indicators for publicly traded companies worldwide. The quarterly data corresponds to the company's fiscal quarter that is queried. The features in this bundle can provide both current and historical data going back 20 years such as the yearly revenue by fiscal year, Quarterly Return On Capital, Total shareholder return, and more. This data is originally sourced from the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission), and from a variety of stock markets such as NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, EURONEXT, TSX, etc.
When provided with a specific date and a ticker, this bundle provides financial metrics and indicators for publicly traded companies worldwide. The quarterly data corresponds to the company's fiscal quarter that is queried. The features in this bundle can provide both current and historical data going back 20 years such as the yearly revenue by fiscal year, Quarterly Return On Capital, Total shareholder return, and more. This data is originally sourced from the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission), and from a variety of stock markets such as NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, EURONEXT, TSX, etc.
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Lead scoring
Know your customer

Funding and acquisitions for public and private companies

Highlights information regarding the funding, acquisitions, and IPOs of over ~300K private and public companies. The data is based on up to 10 of the most recent transactions of a company. Updates quarterly.
Highlights information regarding the funding, acquisitions, and IPOs of over ~300K private and public companies. The data is based on up to 10 of the most recent transactions of a company. Updates quarterly.
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Lead scoring
Know your customer

Website traffic trends

Access website traffic engagement information and trends gained from over 3 years of daily data.
Access website traffic engagement information and trends gained from over 3 years of daily data.
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Lead scoring

Search engine results on companies

Access live insights and results about companies from leading search engines.
Access live insights and results about companies from leading search engines.
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Lead scoring
Business credit risk (prescreen)

Workforce trends by company department

Company trends based on employee statistics and aggregations by quarter. This bundle includes information on the employees in the company's departments, and changes in the departments over time, providing a unique x-ray view of the inner workings of a company. The bundle displays the rate of change between the selected quarter and the prior one, enabling an accessible benchmark for company evolution. Historical data available since year 2000, with over 7.6M companies covered. All addresses and locations associated with the company are current. If no date is requested, the bundle’s default is to display data relevant to the most recent quarter and is updated quarterly.
Company trends based on employee statistics and aggregations by quarter. This bundle includes information on the employees in the company's departments, and changes in the departments over time, providing a unique x-ray view of the inner workings of a company. The bundle displays the rate of change between the selected quarter and the prior one, enabling an accessible benchmark for company evolution. Historical data available since year 2000, with over 7.6M companies covered. All addresses and locations associated with the company are current. If no date is requested, the bundle’s default is to display data relevant to the most recent quarter and is updated quarterly.
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Lead scoring
Insurance claim prediction

Workforce trends by employee demographics

Company trends based on employee statistics and aggregations by quarter. This bundle includes information on the company's employees, including parameters such as their age, identified gender, education level, and more. The bundle displays the rate of change between the selected quarter and the prior one, enabling an accessible benchmark for company evaluation. Historical data available since the year 2000, with coverage on over 7.6M companies. All addresses and locations associated with the company are current. If no date is requested, the bundle’s default is to display data relevant to the most recent quarter and is updated quarterly.
Company trends based on employee statistics and aggregations by quarter. This bundle includes information on the company's employees, including parameters such as their age, identified gender, education level, and more. The bundle displays the rate of change between the selected quarter and the prior one, enabling an accessible benchmark for company evaluation. Historical data available since the year 2000, with coverage on over 7.6M companies. All addresses and locations associated with the company are current. If no date is requested, the bundle’s default is to display data relevant to the most recent quarter and is updated quarterly.
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Lead scoring
Business fraud detection

Workforce trends by employee level

Company trends based on employee statistics and aggregations by quarter. This bundle includes information on the company's management, C-level, and senior employees such as how long they've worked at the company, their education level, and more. The bundle displays the rate of change between the selected quarter and the prior one, enabling an accessible benchmark for company evolution. Historical data available since the year 2000, with coverage of over 7.6M companies. All addresses and locations associated with the company are current. If no date is requested, the bundle’s default is to display data relevant to the most recent quarter and is updated quarterly.
Company trends based on employee statistics and aggregations by quarter. This bundle includes information on the company's management, C-level, and senior employees such as how long they've worked at the company, their education level, and more. The bundle displays the rate of change between the selected quarter and the prior one, enabling an accessible benchmark for company evolution. Historical data available since the year 2000, with coverage of over 7.6M companies. All addresses and locations associated with the company are current. If no date is requested, the bundle’s default is to display data relevant to the most recent quarter and is updated quarterly.
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Lead scoring
Business credit risk (prescreen)