Contact Data For Individuals

Information enabling the contact of consumer leads

Business contacts directory

Access contact information for the employees of a company, including email addresses, phone numbers, LinkedIn URLs, and more. The number of displayed employees is limited to 1000 per company, sorted by relevance. Relevance is determined by 2 factors: seniority level and the variety of contact information available per employee. This information is especially useful in providing up-to-date leads for a multitude of marketing purposes. The bundle includes data on over 190M employees across over 2.6M companies and is limited to people who live in the USA and Canada. The data is updated quarterly.
Access contact information for the employees of a company, including email addresses, phone numbers, LinkedIn URLs, and more. The number of displayed employees is limited to 1000 per company, sorted by relevance. Relevance is determined by 2 factors: seniority level and the variety of contact information available per employee. This information is especially useful in providing up-to-date leads for a multitude of marketing purposes. The bundle includes data on over 190M employees across over 2.6M companies and is limited to people who live in the USA and Canada. The data is updated quarterly.
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Lead scoring

Email validation

Indicates the validity and riskiness of an email address. Used to ensure email lists are reliable and up-to-date, and assists in determining if an email address is worth mailing.
Indicates the validity and riskiness of an email address. Used to ensure email lists are reliable and up-to-date, and assists in determining if an email address is worth mailing.
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Lead scoring
Consumer fraud detection

Professional profile: contact and workplace

Access contact information sourced from the professional profiles created by individuals and firmographic information on their workplace. Includes email addresses, phone numbers, social platform URLs, education, work experience, and more. The individual's workplace information includes: industry category, revenue, company size, HQ location, and more.
Access contact information sourced from the professional profiles created by individuals and firmographic information on their workplace. Includes email addresses, phone numbers, social platform URLs, education, work experience, and more. The individual's workplace information includes: industry category, revenue, company size, HQ location, and more.
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Know your customer
Lead scoring