Identity Validation

Using data to link real people with the contact information provided by users

Email validation

Indicates the validity and riskiness of an email address. Used to ensure email lists are reliable and up-to-date, and assists in determining if an email address is worth mailing.
Indicates the validity and riskiness of an email address. Used to ensure email lists are reliable and up-to-date, and assists in determining if an email address is worth mailing.
See more
Lead scoring
Consumer fraud detection

IP information

Access IP address and geolocation information, such as the locations and companies associated with the IP address and indications if the true IP is masked. Updated weekly.
Access IP address and geolocation information, such as the locations and companies associated with the IP address and indications if the true IP is masked. Updated weekly.
See more
Business credit risk (prescreen)
Business fraud detection

Phone validation

Check a phone number's validity, type, and carrier. Note that the input number must include the country code to get a match. The standard is the E.164 format, which means a country code (1 to 3 digits) and a subscriber number (max 12 digits). For example, +14155552671 for the US. The + symbol is optional.
Check a phone number's validity, type, and carrier. Note that the input number must include the country code to get a match. The standard is the E.164 format, which means a country code (1 to 3 digits) and a subscriber number (max 12 digits). For example, +14155552671 for the US. The + symbol is optional.
See more
Business fraud detection
Know your customer

Name statistics

The gender commonly associated with a name indicates which gender it is most likely to be used for.
The gender commonly associated with a name indicates which gender it is most likely to be used for.
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Consumer segmentation